

I n most systems, law of stubborn minority favors minority and let them win. But in the case of Autistics, they lost it. Let's dig deeper and lets find out why ? If you have a social gathering followed by dinner, and you have no clue on the dietary preference of your guests, you will invariably choose vegetarian dish for all guests.   Because, Non-Vegetarians can eat Veggies, but vegetarians cannot touch Non-vegetarian food. This also explains the logic, why dedicated Disabled friendly restrooms exists across all the Shopping Malls and Restaurants and Office Spaces. An abled person can use a Disabled Restroom, but not the other way around.  Now what happens in a Neurotypical or any Traditional School, a Neurodivergent kid should get adjusted to their rules.  What if a Neurodivergent school which will have a rule that says, sitting on a chair is optional, imagine how happy an ADHD child be and I am sure most Neurotypical kids will accommodate themselves around these new play mates.